segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

The Law - American Definition

The law is a code of rules that all people in a certain society must follow.

The law is a combination of those rules and principles of conduct promulgated by legislative authority, derived from court decisions and established by local custom.

In the United States, the law is comprised of legislative acts creating statutes, court decisions, executive orders and rules and regulations promulgated by administrative agencies. In certain circumstances, censoring liberal activists have taken the position that the "law" also includes any action by government actors, including prayer by teachers in schools. It is through this flawed assumption that liberals have been successful in censoring prayer in schools. The position that the actions of a school teacher are tenuous at best, and had no basis in real law until liberal activist judges gave it substance in school prayer cases in order to further their ideological preferences.

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Direito Comparado

O direito comparado é o ramo da ciência jurídica que estuda as diferenças e as semelhanças entre os ordenamentos jurídicos de diferentes Estados, agrupando-os em famílias.

Direito Internacional

Direito Internacional é o conjunto de normas que regula as relações externas dos atores que compõem a sociedade internacional.Estes atores, chamados sujeitos de direito internacional, são, principalmente, os Estados nacionais, embora a prática e a doutrina reconheçam também outros atores, como as organizações internacionais.

Sobre Nós

BRA - Institute of Comparative and International Law © Layout By Hugo Meira.